Data Management, Cybersecurity, and Process Optimization

How Data is Revolutionizing Business Security and Efficiency

In a time when data quality is essential for success, TechDivision is here to help you. With more than 18 years of experience, we develop solutions that are not only forward-thinking, but also produce results. Discover how the right use of data can revolutionize your business and give you a competitive advantage.

Our Data Management Solutions

Analysis and consulting

We evaluate your technologies and systems, identify opportunities for improvement, and create a future-proof data strategy. We develop solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs.

Integration platform (iPaaS) 

Our iPaaS solution provides flexibility and rapid adaptation to your specific E-Commerce requirements, thanks to pre-defined standards. This platform allows us to efficiently integrate your systems, allowing us to respond to each of your business challenges individually and effectively.

Harmonization of your data landscape

Our data platform helps to harmonize complex data landscapes by gradually unbundling systems and stabilizing them. This process makes it easier to manage your data and makes your IT systems more efficient, which leads to better overall performance.

Safeguarding your data in today's digitally connected world is just as important as optimizing and integrating it for business success.

Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Presence

Cybersecurity is a top priority, not a sidebar. It is at the core of your digital presence and defines the expectations that users have of you. Our team will help you understand your current security situation and find ways to further protect your online presence.

Our Cybersecurity Solutions

Conducting audits and penetration tests

Through comprehensive audits and penetration tests, we provide a detailed analysis of your cybersecurity status. We use state-of-the-art technology to identify specific weaknesses in your digital landscape. Our experts create realistic attack scenarios to test the effectiveness of your security protocols and offer solid suggestions for safeguards. Our objective isn't just to spot flaws, but also to fix them and safeguard your organization from the ever-changing dangers of the online world and deliver an unparalleled online security experience.

Security & strategy consulting

Incident management & digital forensics

Workshops & further training

Now that your digital environment is secure, it's time to make your internal processes more efficient and productive.

Process Optimization is the Key to Long-term Success

"Process optimization" isn't just a buzzword; it's a crucial way to boost your business's performance. By taking a closer look at and consistently improving business processes, you can not only reduce costs, but also noticeably increase your clients' satisfaction.

Our Process Optimization Solutions

Process evaluation

We analyze your existing processes with meticulous precision, identify potential for improvement, and develop strategies to increase your operational efficiency.

Automation solutions

Using technology, we streamline routine tasks, resulting in substantial time savings and resource utilization.

Workshops & training

Our experts provide your team with in-depth knowledge and practical methods for process optimization, allowing them to implement the skills they have learned directly into their day-to-day work.

Our Success Stories

Learn how our data management solutions have helped companies better manage their data

Customer Success Story: EGLO – Internationale Digital Commerce Plattform mit Anbindung an SAP & Akeneo