
Digital strategy, conception, support of the store relaunch, and online marketing

+67 % conversion rate

+91 % average order value

- 36 % bounce rate

Project Goal

Duration: 2018 – Ongoing, web store since 10/2020

The collaboration with Venta can be summarized in two chapters. In the first phase of the project, TechDivision eConsulting was responsible for basic digital strategy consulting. Venta was also supported in the creation of video material and the promotion of content on Amazon.

The second phase of the project consisted of the relaunch of the online store due to the market launch of Venta's new 7-series (AeroStyle). TechDivision eConsulting was commissioned to design the new online store, with the technical implementation being handled by another agency. To ensure that the relaunch of the online store was successful, completely new SEO & SEA procedures were developed in addition to the global concept for the implementation, and was implemented by TechDivision eConsulting.

Venta's new webshop is now online and is delivering very promising initial results. As one should never rest on one's laurels, TechDivision continues to support and optimize the areas of SEA, SEO, analytics, content, and strategy in close cooperation with the customer.


Our Solutions

How we supported Venta

Digital strategy

Online marketing

Store relaunch concept

Our customer success story for you!

Are you interested in more details about the Venta project? Our success story will give you even more insights.


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TechDivision supported us in the first step of developing a sustainable digital strategy. We completed the relaunch of our online store with our existing agency, with TechDivision developing the basic concept including wireframes, navigation structure, and the SEO and SEA concepts, as well as supporting and monitoring the relaunch with regard to online marketing requirements. I can only say that we feel we have been in excellent hands with TechDivision right from the start, and the results so far have really exceeded our expectations. Thank you very much for your work so far and the extremely pleasant and professional cooperation. We look forward to further upcoming projects!

Melina Mader, Marketing Communication, Venta-Luftwäscher GmbH


Venta-Luftwäscher GmbH in Weingarten, Upper Swabia, is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of filterless combination appliances for humidification and air purification for indoor use.

Venta company founder Fred Hitzler revolutionized the market in 1981 with the invention of the air washer. He developed a principle for binding indoor air, which is often far too dry and contaminated with pollutants, in a water bath and increasing the humidity at the same time.